Step 1: Join us in a Worship Service
Our worship services are meant to refresh our hearts in God’s goodness. Whether its coming to know God personally through Jesus in salvation or connecting with God again, we want everyone that comes to Highland Park to go out renewed in their faith. We praise Him for His love, holiness, faithfulness to us, and salvation He gives us through faith in Christ. We call on Him in prayer, and depend on His power for all He calls us to do (Psalm 86:5-10). Join us Sundays @ 11 to be refreshed, and energized in your faith!
Step 2: Connect with a Sunday School Group
We want everyone that worships with us to find a small group of believers to help encourage their growth in Christ. That’s why Sunday School Groups are so important. Sunday School Groups are so much more than a class we attend. Its part of our DNA. It’s about connecting people to Jesus, the transforming power of His truth, and connecting people to a community of believers who encourage each other as we engage in life together. God wants us to be connected with other believers. We know this because the Bible tells us, “we loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us” - 1 Thessalonians 2:8 (NIV)
Step 3: Plug into a ministry that fits your gifting.
Our ultimate aim is that we can glorify God by helping every believer become confident in Christ, discern their gifting, and get plugged into a ministry to help others grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Our members seek to regularly engage in sharing their faith in Jesus Christ as the primary way for reaching our community and the world with the gospel. Feel free to check out some other avenues to get connected as well.
See how we view God, Jesus, the Bible, man, and many significant aspects of our faith. Firmly rooted in Scripture, the beliefs of Highland Park Baptist Church | Mount Pleasant, TX guide our decisions as a church.
Meet the leaders who set the vision of Highland Park Baptist Church | Mount Pleasant, TX.