from death to life

Join us each Sunday this Easter Season as we draw near the cross of Jesus to discover the ways his death & resurrection (return to life) brings us hope today.

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Ways to Experience highland park and what to expect

There are several ways to participate in Highland Park's worship services. Whatever your comfort level, there are opportunities for you to join us as we worship God and make Disciples as witnesses of Christ.

Highland Park Baptist Church | Mount Pleasant, TX Gatherings

Join us as we gather Sunday's at 11am for worship. 

2801 S Jefferson Ave

Mount Pleasant, TX 75455

Highland Park Baptist Church | Mount Pleasant, TX Online

Join our weekly live-stream and online programming from anywhere.


Join us as we come together for fellowship, encouragement, and fun.

Plan a Visit

We gather every weekend as a church to be inspired to follow Jesus. We would love for you to be our guest.

upcoming events

The Mission of Children's Ministry:

When the church functions the way in which she was designed, the world is given a glimpse of what Heaven will be like. When every knee, every race, male & female, every age will bow before the King of Kings and cry, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty.” An inter-generational church is not just key to the survival of the local body, but it paints a picture of what is waiting for us in Glory. Join us Sunday, March 16 for an in depth look at what it means to love, lead, and care for all generations within the church as we pray, On earth as it is in heaven.

About the speaker:
Lexie holds a Master of Arts in Christian Education with a Concentration in Children’s and Family Ministries (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary), and a teaching certificate (Stephen F. Austin State University). As a former Children’s Minister, she now enjoys staying home with her son while serving in various capacities with the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention Children’s Team as well as writing studies and curriculum for both adults and children with Lifeway Christian Publishing.

She resides in East Texas with her husband, Noah and son, Henry.

Connect with Lexie

          Lexie Hamilton Hood      lexie_hood97

our mission

At Highland Park, we rejoice in God's grace as we glorify Jesus together (Eph. 2:8-9). We build relationships to help each other grow in Christ (2 Tim 2:2). And we dedicate our lives, gifts, and abilities to reach Mount Pleasant, our surrounding areas, and the globe with the gospel. (Acts 1:8)

We hope you'll join us.